What is Qigong?

Since I practice qigong every day, it should be easy for me to give a quick answer, but I find myself unable to adequately define qigong. Of course, the easy answer is "energy work" or "breath work," but those terms do so little to convey what qigong really is. In Master Liu He's book "Jade Woman Qigong," she said when her students ask her to explain what qigong is, she answers that "qigong is as large as nature and full of surprises." I think that is the best description I have come across. We like to narrow down and classify, but qigong defies being put into a box. We make our own personal discoveries from our qigong practice, and more often than not, we discover something that we didn't even search for. In my own experience, I was approached qigong as simple physical movements and have been surprised at the contemplative aspects of the practice. Qigong is as broad as nature, so be open to your own experience and enjoy the journey and be ready to be surprised!